Scientific inquiry is an iterative learning process. Objectives pertaining to the explanation of a social or physical phenomenon must be specified and then tested by gathering and analyzing data. In turn, an analysis of the data gathered by experimentation or observation will usually suggest a modified explanation of the phenomenon. Throughout this iterative learning process, variables are often added or deleted from the study. Thus, the complexities of most phenomena require an investigator to collect observations on many different variables. This book is concerned with statistical methods designed to elicit information from these kinds of data sets. Because the data include simultaneous measurements on many variables, this body of methodology is called multivariate analysis.

The need to understand the relationships between many variables makes multivariate analysis an inherently difficult subject. Often, the human mind is overwhelmed by the sheer bulk of the data.

Additionally, more mathematics is required to derive multivariate statistical techniques for making inferences than in a univariate setting. We have chosen to provide explanations based upon algebraic concepts and to avoid the derivations of statistical results that require the calculus of many variables. Our objective is to introduce several useful multivariate techniques in a clear manner, making heavy use of illustrative examples and a minimum of mathematics.

Nonetheless, some mathematical sophistication and a desire to think quantitatively will be required.
Most of our emphasis will be on the analysis of measurements obtained without actively controlling or manipulating any of the variables on which the measurements are made. Only in Chapters 6 and 7 shall we treat a few experimental plans (designs) for generating data that prescribe the active manipulation of important variables.

Although the experimental design is ordinarily the most important part of a scientific investigation, it is frequently impossible to control the generation of appropriate data in certain disciplines. (This is true, for example, in business, economics, ecology, geology, and sociology.)

It will become increasingly clear that many multivariate methods are based upon an underlying probability model known as the multivariate normal distribu- tion. Other methods are ad hoc in nature and are justified by logical or commonsense arguments. Regardless of their origin, multivariate techniques must, invariably, be im- plemented on a computer. Recent advances in computer technology have been accompanied by the development of rather sophisticated statistical software packages, making the implementation step easier.

Multivariate analysis is a “mixed bag.” It is difficult to establish a classification scheme for multivariate techniques that both is widely accepted and indicates the appropriateness of the techniques. One classification distinguishes techniques de- signed to study interdependent relationships from those designed to study dependent relationships. Another classifies techniques according to the number of populations and the number of sets of variables being studied. Chapters in this text are divided into sections according to inference about treatment means, inference about covariance structure, and techniques for sorting or grouping. This should not, however, be considered an attempt to place each method into a slot. Rather, the choice of methods and the types of analyses employed are largely determined by the objectives of the investigation. In Section 1.2, we list a smaller number of practical problems designed to illustrate the connection between the choice of a statistical method and the objectives of the study.

These problems, plus the examples in the text, should provide you with an appreciation for the applicability of multivariate techniques across different fields.

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