Gender Budgeting in India

A gender budget is not a separate budget for women. Instead, the gender budgets are an attempt to assess government priorities as they are reflected through the budget and examine how they impact women and men.

Gender budgets look at what the impact of the spending is on men and women and whether or not budgets respond to the needs of both women and men adequately.

“Women’s budgets”, “gender budgets”, “gender-sensitive budgets”, and “gender responsive budgets” are all terms that are used to describe initiatives that have used gender as lens from which to analyse budgets at national, regional, and civic levels.

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Gender Responsive Budget

A Gender-Responsive Budget is a budget that acknowledges the gender patterns in society and allocates the money to implement policies and programs that will change these patterns in a way that moves towards a more gender equal society.  Gender budget initiatives are exercises that aim to move the country in the direction of a gender-responsive budget.

Need of a Gender Budget

Gender Budget Initiatives are attempts to disaggregate the government’s mainstream budget according to its impacts on women and men. It refers to the process of conceiving, planning, approving, executing, monitoring, analysing and auditing budgets in a gender-sensitive way. The gender budgeting exercise would potentially assist and lead to the following empowering measures:

Gender budget is helpful in

Gender Budgeting Around the World

How Gender Budgeting helped the Governments around the world?

The first Gender Budget Statement appeared in the Union Budget 2005-06 and included 10 demands for grants. However, in recent budgets the number of demands of grants have been as high as 36. Ten states in India have also introduced gender budgeting but the lack of a standardised nomenclature for the various schemes has made it difficult to replicate or assess them.

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