The Eurozone crisis, which began around 2009, was primarily caused by a combination of factors, including:
Sovereign Debt: Several Eurozone countries, notably Greece, Portugal, Spain, and Italy, had high levels of sovereign debt relative to their GDP. This debt was unsustainable and raised concerns about their ability to repay it.
Banking Sector Issues: Weaknesses in the European banking sector were exposed, partly due to their exposure to bad loans and risky investments.
Lack of Fiscal Integration: The Eurozone lacked a common fiscal policy, leading to challenges in addressing economic disparities among member countries. This limited the ability to respond collectively to the crisis.
Competitiveness and Structural Problems: Some countries had structural issues, such as high labor costs and low competitiveness, which hindered economic growth.
The impact on the Eurozone economy included:
Austerity Measures: Many affected countries implemented austerity measures to reduce budget deficits, leading to cuts in public spending, which had a negative impact on their economies.
Economic Contraction: The crisis led to a severe economic downturn, including recessions and high unemployment rates in many Eurozone countries.
Bank Failures: Some European banks faced insolvency or required government bailouts, further straining financial systems.

Loss of Confidence: The crisis eroded confidence in the euro and the stability of the Eurozone, leading to financial market volatility.
Policy Responses: To address the crisis, the European Central Bank (ECB) initiated monetary policies, and the Eurozone countries established rescue funds. Reforms were introduced to promote fiscal responsibility.
While the Eurozone has made progress in stabilizing its economy, the crisis highlighted the need for closer economic and fiscal integration among member states to prevent future crises.