National Sample Survey (NSS)
The National Sample Survey (NSS) is a national socioeconomic survey conducted by National Statistical Office (NSO) in annual rounds with a cycle of rotating topics. For example, the purpose of the 71st round of the National Sample Survey (NSS) conducted in 2014 was to develop indicators on health and education. The purpose of the 68th round (July 2011 – June 2012) of National Sample Survey was Household Consumption Expenditure.
The Household Consumption Expenditure Survey (HCES), generally comes after every five years (quinquennial) during these annual rounds of NSS.
HCES generates estimates of household Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure (MPCE) and the distribution of households and persons over the MPCE classes. It is designed to collect information regarding expenditure on consumption of goods and services (food and non-food) consumed by households. The results, after release, are also used for:
1) Rebasing/base revision of the GDP
2) Base revision of the CPI (i.e. weights of various items in CPI),
3) Measuring estimates of poverty levels; and
4) Other macro-economic indicators
The 75th round of NSS was also on Household Consumption Expenditure from the period July 2017 – June 2018 which reported that the consumer expenditure in the period 2011-12 – 2017-18 has fallen, but the government did not release the report as it noticed that there was divergence in the data.
79th Round of NSS which wad conducted from July 2022- June2023 was again on Household Consumption Expenditure (HSCE) whose complete findings/data will be released after the elections. Now, NSS has again started the 80th round on Household Consumption Expenditure (HSCE) from August 2023 to July 2024 (its ongoing). So, back to back two consecutive years of houshold consumption expenditure data will better and more accurate in revising the base year of GDP, CPI and other macor indicators.